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OSM Postcode Mapping for CB23 6 Postal Sector

The circles on the map above are the postcode unit 'centriods' from Code-Point Open, under the Open Government Licence. The 'centriod' is calculated by taking the average of the coordinates of all the delivery points with that postcode, and then snapping that location to the nearest delivery point in that postcode. The data may be freely used in OpenStreetMap, but please make sure you understand it first. Also please only add postcodes to objects representing addressable entities; do not add the postcode centroids as themslves. Suggested source tag code-point_open

The circles are coloured by whether or not there is at least one OSM object with that value in its addr:postcode tag. Click on a point to see the postcode. The numbers in brackets are the number of OSM objects with that postcode.

The centroids are the location of the nearest 'delivery point' to the arithmetic mean of the coordinates of all the delivery points within that unit. Those points with a codepoint PQI greater than 40 are excluded from the map above. (Higher values are typically not geographically accurate. In particular, PQI=50 is used for new postcodes before the location has been determined. The location given for such postcodes seems to be derived from other existing postcodes with similar units letters, which may not be close to the new postcode.)

The pale blue lines from the circles join each Code-Point Open centroid to the mean coordiantes of all the OSM objects with that postcode. (For ways an relations, the centre of the rectangular bounding box is used at the coordinates for the OSM object.) Long lines may indicate missing or incorrect OSM objects for that postcode. In particular, if all the postcodes in a givne unit are correctly mapped, the circle should be located on the nearest delivery point within that postcode to the other end of the blue line.

The OSM data for the number of objects with each unit comes from Taginfo GB. It is usually updated once a day at about 10:15 UTC, with data from about 20:30 UTC the previous day. (Current data is from 1970‑01‑01 00:00:00 Z.) The data used to compute the OSM mean position comes from the Overpass API and is updated less frequently, usually about once a week. (Current data is from 2024‑04‑10 08:21:28 Z.)

District Sector Units Geo. Units Mapped %
CB23 6 177 176 173 98.3%

All units within this sector:

Unit PQI First Seen Last Seen Street Name ML Mapped
CB23 6AA 10 Willow Lane 14
CB23 6AB 10 Willow Lane 9
CB23 6AD 10 Chapmans Drive 17
CB23 6AE 10 Tithe Way 11
CB23 6AF 10 Jeavons Lane 47
CB23 6AG 10 Jeavons Lane 10
CB23 6AH 10 Monkfield Lane 27
CB23 6AJ 10 Monkfield Lane 15
CB23 6AL 10 Maple Close 7
CB23 6AN 10 Elm Tree Close 14
CB23 6AP 10 Blenheim Close 46
CB23 6AQ 10 Alder Drive 16
CB23 6AR 10 Sterling Way 61
CB23 6AS 10 Whitley Road 64
CB23 6AT 10 Lancaster Gate 55
CB23 6AU 10 Lancaster Gate 51
CB23 6AW 10 Hampden Close 15
CB23 6AX 10 Halifax Road 48
CB23 6AZ 10 Jeavons Lane 30
CB23 6BA 10 Chervil Way 25
CB23 6BB 10 Goldcrest Court 9
CB23 6BD 10 Chaffinch Walk 35
CB23 6BE 10 Woodland Walk 3
CB23 6BF 10 Cressbrook Drive 19
CB23 6BG 10 Bullrush Lane 49
CB23 6BH 10 Wellington Road 7
CB23 6BJ 10 1
CB23 6BL 10 Sterling Way 58
CB23 6BN 10 De Havilland Close 14
CB23 6BP 10 De Havilland Close 21
CB23 6BQ 10 Hurricane Way 7
CB23 6BS 10 Swansley Lane 5
CB23 6BT 10 Swansley Lane 4
CB23 6BU 10 Wattle Close 19
CB23 6BW 10 Back Lane 1
CB23 6BX 10 Woolthwaite Lane 35
CB23 6BY 10 Arbour Close 9
CB23 6BZ 10 Shearling Drive 16
CB23 6DA 10 2013‑07 3 0
CB23 6DB 10 Akerly Drive 4
CB23 6DD 10 Quidditch Lane 20
CB23 6DE 10 Apley Way 20
CB23 6DF 10 Apley Way 18
CB23 6DG 10 Hurricane Way 6
CB23 6DH 10 Broad Street 26
CB23 6DJ 10 Anson Road 57
CB23 6DL 10 Auberry Way 7
CB23 6DN 10 0
CB23 6DP 10 Cambourne Business Park 2
CB23 6DQ 10 Anson Road 41
CB23 6DR 10 Lysander Close 10
CB23 6DS 10 Woodfield Lane 27
CB23 6DT 10 Woodfield Lane 24
CB23 6DU 10 Oxford Way 36
CB23 6DW 10 Cambourne Business Park 14
CB23 6DX 10 1
CB23 6DY 10 2
CB23 6DZ 10 Eastgate 4
CB23 6EA 10 Cambourne Business Park 1
CB23 6EB 10 2013‑07 0
CB23 6ED 10 Hudson Road 72
CB23 6EE 10 Albemarle Road 7
CB23 6EF 10 2
CB23 6EG 10 1
CB23 6EH 10 Mallard Close 10
CB23 6EJ 10 Roe Walk 8
CB23 6EL 10 Broad Street 11
CB23 6EN 10 Handley Drive 30
CB23 6EP 10 Vickers Way 67
CB23 6EQ 10 Wallis Walk 7
CB23 6ER 10 Swansley Lane 29
CB23 6ES 10 Swansley Lane 32
CB23 6ET 10 Meadowsweet Close 12
CB23 6EU 10 St Johns Way 6
CB23 6EW 10 Cherry Court 24
CB23 6EX 10 Coppice Drive 11
CB23 6EY 10 Cambourne Retail Park 3
CB23 6FA 10 Gloster Drive 8
CB23 6FB 10 Woodfield Lane 11
CB23 6FD 10 Woodfield Lane 26
CB23 6FE 10 Merle Way 40
CB23 6FF 10 Codling Walk 7
CB23 6FG 10 Spar Close 11
CB23 6FH 10 Sweetentree Way 18
CB23 6FJ 10 Mosquito Road 17
CB23 6FL 10 Spitfire Road 50
CB23 6FN 10 Spitfire Road 66
CB23 6FP 10 Beaufort Road 75
CB23 6FQ 10 Purley Road 13
CB23 6FR 10 Sheepfold Lane 2
CB23 6FS 10 Welkin Way 20
CB23 6FT 10 Medlar Lane 23
CB23 6FU 10 Westland Close 18
CB23 6FW 10 Firefly Road 27
CB23 6FX 10 Dovecote Avenue 23
CB23 6FY 10 Back Lane 47
CB23 6FZ 10 High Street 13
CB23 6GA 10 Playsteds Lane 18
CB23 6GB 10 Osier Way 31
CB23 6GD 10 New Hall Lane 14
CB23 6GE 10 New Hall Lane 37
CB23 6GF 10 Flitmead 7
CB23 6GG 10 Glebe Lane 17
CB23 6GH 10 Hazel Lane 13
CB23 6GJ 10 Snape Yard 3
CB23 6GL 10 The Grove 5
CB23 6GN 10 Monk Drive 10
CB23 6GP 10 Watergrove Lane 9
CB23 6GQ 10 Glebe Lane 12
CB23 6GR 10 Reed Cottages 11
CB23 6GS 10 Acorn Lane 4
CB23 6GT 10 Bluebell Drive 12
CB23 6GU 10 Brockholme Mews 8
CB23 6GW 10 High Street 14
CB23 6GX 10 High Street 16
CB23 6GY 10 Barrow Lane 27
CB23 6GZ 10 Woodpecker Way 68
CB23 6HA 10 Lumbley Close 9
CB23 6HB 10 Sackville Way 48
CB23 6HE 10 7
CB23 6HF 10 Broad Street 12
CB23 6HG 10 Broad Street 6
CB23 6HH 10 Broad Street 6
CB23 6HJ 10 Broad Street 12
CB23 6HL 10 1
CB23 6HN 10 Bramble Court 10
CB23 6HP 10 Butler Walk 4
CB23 6HQ 10 Squire Drive 4
CB23 6HR 10 Smithy Way 8
CB23 6HS 10 Whitley Road 29
CB23 6HT 10 Brace Dein 31
CB23 6HU 10 Siskin Road 5
CB23 6HW 10 Tempest Road 23
CB23 6HX 10 Ventura Avenue 8
CB23 6HY 10 Mustang Drive 35
CB23 6HZ 10 Botha Close 14
CB23 6JA 10 Bisley Crescent 75
CB23 6JB 10 Sunderland Close 15
CB23 6JD 10 Otter Road 22
CB23 6JE 10 Bristol Drive 9
CB23 6JF 10 York Drive 10
CB23 6JG 10 Hind Close 5
CB23 6JH 10 Albacore Road 17
CB23 6JJ 10 Beaufighter Drive 5
CB23 6JL 10 1
CB23 6JN 10 Broad Street 2
CB23 6JP 10 Drove Gardens 10
CB23 6JQ 10 Gladiator Road 42
CB23 6JR 10 Typhoon Way 36
CB23 6JS 10 Whirlwind Close 9
CB23 6JT 10 Hawkers Close 15
CB23 6JU 10 Short Drive 8
CB23 6JW 10 Fairey Close 9
CB23 6JX 10 High Street 25
CB23 6JY 10 Gladiator Road 48
CB23 6JZ 10 Gladiator Road 55
CB23 6LA 10 15
CB23 6LB 10 Whittle Way 12
CB23 6LD 10 Blackbird Close 11
CB23 6LE 10 Gauntlet Drive 9
CB23 6LF 10 Battle Close 6
CB23 6LG 10 Swordfish Drive 5
CB23 6LH 10 High Street 54
CB23 6LJ 10 2021‑09 Back Lane 1
CB23 6LL 10 2021‑12 1
CB23 6LN 10 2022‑06 4
CB23 6LP 10 2022‑06 2
CB23 6LQ 10 2022‑07 1
CB23 6LS 10 2023‑01 1
CB23 6LT 10 2023‑01 1
CB23 6LU 10 2022‑06 1
CB23 6LW 10 2021‑12 1
CB23 6LX 10 2023‑07 2
CB23 6LY 10 2023‑04 6
CB23 6NE 10 2023‑10 0
CB23 6NF 10 2023‑10 2
CB23 6NJ 10 2022‑10 1
CB23 6NL 10 2023‑07 0
CB23 6NN 10 2022‑06 0
CB23 6WU 10 2013‑07 3 0
CB23 6WY 10 3 0
CB23 6XB 10 3 0
CB23 6ZR 10 220 0

Units with street mismatches in this sector:

Unit Mapped Dominant Street OSM Object Tagged Street
CB23 6AT 55 Lancaster␣Gate w1095246341 Sterling␣Way
CB23 6AT 55 Lancaster␣Gate w1095246342 Sterling␣Way
CB23 6BJ 1 w40472514
CB23 6DW 14 Cambourne␣Business␣Park w89754938 Sheepfold␣Lane
CB23 6DX 1 w91106813
CB23 6DY 2 w4937854
CB23 6DY 2 r1302821
CB23 6DZ 4 Eastgate w372018419
CB23 6EF 2 w478302430
CB23 6EF 2 w478302434
CB23 6EG 1 w72074480
CB23 6EP 67 Vickers␣Way w558926402 Sterling␣Way
CB23 6EY 3 Cambourne␣Retail␣Park w4937676 Broad␣Street
CB23 6EY 3 Cambourne␣Retail␣Park w463318245 Back␣Lane
CB23 6FD 26 Woodfield␣Lane w115098728
CB23 6FR 2 Sheepfold␣Lane w349713374
CB23 6FU 18 Westland␣Close w558384520
CB23 6FW 27 Firefly␣Road w558384554 Welkin␣Way
CB23 6FY 47 Back␣Lane w139370253
CB23 6FY 47 Back␣Lane w127722134
CB23 6GT 12 Bluebell␣Drive w106581161 Watergrove␣Lane
CB23 6GT 12 Bluebell␣Drive w106580993 Watergrove␣Lane
CB23 6HE 7 w91089033
CB23 6HJ 12 Broad␣Street w91106802
CB23 6HL 1 w4937629
CB23 6JL 1 w366575005
CB23 6JN 2 Broad␣Street w39990788
CB23 6LA 15 w1094240087
CB23 6LL 1 w992409541
CB23 6LN 4 w992409557
CB23 6LN 4 w1192365497
CB23 6LN 4 w992409556
CB23 6LN 4 w1192365496
CB23 6LP 2 w1192365370
CB23 6LP 2 w1187592882
CB23 6LQ 1 w992409509
CB23 6LS 1 w1192365360
CB23 6LT 1 w992409582
CB23 6LU 1 w1187592883
CB23 6LW 1 w992409593
CB23 6LX 2 w1192365452
CB23 6LX 2 w1192365451
CB23 6LY 6 w992409559
CB23 6LY 6 w1192365427
CB23 6LY 6 w992409558
CB23 6LY 6 w1192365426
CB23 6LY 6 w992409560
CB23 6LY 6 w1192365428
CB23 6NF 2 w1192365537
CB23 6NF 2 w1192365536
CB23 6NJ 1 w1192365618
Data derived from OpenStreetMap data, © OpenStreetMap Contributors, licensed under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Data derived in part using Code-Point Open under the Open Government Licence v3; Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2020; Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and Database right 2016; Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right 2020.