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OSM Postcode Mapping for LA1 1 Postal Sector

The circles on the map above are the postcode unit 'centriods' from Code-Point Open, under the Open Government Licence. The 'centriod' is calculated by taking the average of the coordinates of all the delivery points with that postcode, and then snapping that location to the nearest delivery point in that postcode. The data may be freely used in OpenStreetMap, but please make sure you understand it first. Also please only add postcodes to objects representing addressable entities; do not add the postcode centroids as themslves. Suggested source tag code-point_open

The circles are coloured by whether or not there is at least one OSM object with that value in its addr:postcode tag. Click on a point to see the postcode. The numbers in brackets are the number of OSM objects with that postcode.

The centroids are the location of the nearest 'delivery point' to the arithmetic mean of the coordinates of all the delivery points within that unit. Those points with a codepoint PQI greater than 40 are excluded from the map above. (Higher values are typically not geographically accurate. In particular, PQI=50 is used for new postcodes before the location has been determined. The location given for such postcodes seems to be derived from other existing postcodes with similar units letters, which may not be close to the new postcode.)

The pale blue lines from the circles join each Code-Point Open centroid to the mean coordiantes of all the OSM objects with that postcode. (For ways an relations, the centre of the rectangular bounding box is used at the coordinates for the OSM object.) Long lines may indicate missing or incorrect OSM objects for that postcode. In particular, if all the postcodes in a givne unit are correctly mapped, the circle should be located on the nearest delivery point within that postcode to the other end of the blue line.

The OSM data for the number of objects with each unit comes from Taginfo GB. It is usually updated once a day at about 10:15 UTC, with data from about 20:30 UTC the previous day. (Current data is from 1970‑01‑01 00:00:00 Z.) The data used to compute the OSM mean position comes from the Overpass API and is updated less frequently, usually about once a week. (Current data is from 2024‑04‑10 08:21:28 Z.)

District Sector Units Geo. Units Mapped %
LA1 1 247 242 228 94.2%

All units within this sector:

Unit PQI First Seen Last Seen Street Name ML Mapped
LA1 1AA 10 Fenton Street 25 2
LA1 1AB 10 Fenton Street 1
LA1 1AD 10 River Street 44
LA1 1AE 10 Fenton Street 45
LA1 1AF 10 Nelson Street 28
LA1 1AG 10 Robert Street 31
LA1 1AH 10 Damside Street 85
LA1 1AJ 10 Fenton Street 16
LA1 1AL 10 Cornmarket 1
LA1 1AN 10 Queen Street 5
LA1 1AP 10 Mawson Mews 8
LA1 1AQ 10 Aldcliffe Road 19
LA1 1AR 10 Henry Street 14
LA1 1AS 10 North Road 2
LA1 1AT 10 Aalborg Place 1
LA1 1AU 10 Aalborg Place 1
LA1 1AW 10 Damside Street 1
LA1 1AY 10 Waterside 2
LA1 1AZ 10 2019‑12 Aldcliffe Road 0
LA1 1BA 10 2021‑12 0
LA1 1BB 10 Kingsway 1
LA1 1BD 10 0
LA1 1BE 10 Wheatfield Street 33
LA1 1BF 10 Aldcliffe Yard 13
LA1 1BG 10 2022‑06 Cable Street 2
LA1 1BJ 10 Aalborg Place 3
LA1 1BL 10 Damside Street 24
LA1 1BN 10 Cable Street 4
LA1 1BP 10 Cable Street 92
LA1 1BQ 10 2024‑01 0
LA1 1BS 10 Kingsway Retail Park 8
LA1 1BT 10 2024‑01 0
LA1 1BU 10 Castle Grove 12
LA1 1BW 10 Henry Street 24
LA1 1BX 10 Henry Street 9
LA1 1BY 10 King Street 36
LA1 1BZ 10 2023‑01 0
LA1 1DB 10 Parliament Street 4
LA1 1DD 10 Phoenix Street 4
LA1 1DF 10 Bulk Road 4
LA1 1DG 10 Caton Road 1
LA1 1DL 10 Bulk Road 23
LA1 1DN 10 Bulk Road 20
LA1 1DQ 10 Parliament Street 3
LA1 1DR 10 Factory Hill 24
LA1 1DT 10 Bulk Road 2
LA1 1DU 10 0
LA1 1DW 10 Gladstone Terrace 23
LA1 1DX 10 Hinde Street 2
LA1 1DY 10 Albion Street 32
LA1 1DZ 10 Green Street 19
LA1 1EA 10 Ridge Street 43
LA1 1EB 10 Ridge Lane 1
LA1 1EE 10 Bridge Lane 12
LA1 1EG 10 New Street 40
LA1 1EJ 10 Grebe Wharf 15
LA1 1EL 10 0
LA1 1EQ 10 Church Street 3 2
LA1 1ER 10 2021‑12 0
LA1 1ES 10 0
LA1 1ET 10 Church Street 10
LA1 1EW 10 Sun Street 27
LA1 1EX 10 China Street 21
LA1 1EZ 10 New Road 13
LA1 1FB 10 Ushers Meadow 49
LA1 1FD 10 Alfred Street 1
LA1 1GA 10 St George's Quay 1
LA1 1GB 10 2018‑10 25 0
LA1 1GE 10 Albion Mews 24
LA1 1GX 10 Bulk Street 49
LA1 1HD 10 Cable Street 3
LA1 1HF 10 Water Street 15
LA1 1HG 10 2020‑07 Church Street 3 0
LA1 1HH 10 Cable Street 6
LA1 1HJ 10 St John's Mews 1
LA1 1HL 10 St George's Quay 17
LA1 1HN 10 Vicarage Terrace 4
LA1 1HP 10 Market Street 7
LA1 1HS 10 Market Street 17
LA1 1HT 10 Market Street 21
LA1 1HW 10 Pine Street 9
LA1 1HX 10 Market Street 1
LA1 1HY 10 Market Street 1
LA1 1HZ 10 Market Street 13
LA1 1JB 10 0
LA1 1JE 10 2015‑10 0
LA1 1JF 10 Marketgate 9
LA1 1JG 10 Market Street 12
LA1 1JH 10 Market Street 2
LA1 1JL 10 Sir Simon's Arcade 19
LA1 1JN 10 King Street 19
LA1 1JQ 10 Market Street 2
LA1 1JT 10 Slip Inn Lane 4
LA1 1JU 10 0
LA1 1JW 10 Church Street 3 1
LA1 1JY 10 King Street 5
LA1 1JZ 10 Middle Street 9
LA1 1LA 10 High Street 51
LA1 1LB 10 25 0
LA1 1LD 10 High Street 1
LA1 1LE 10 Kings Arcade 17
LA1 1LF 10 Bashful Alley 1
LA1 1LG 10 King Street 15
LA1 1LH 10 Church Street 19
LA1 1LN 10 Church Street 25 0
LA1 1LP 10 Church Street 16
LA1 1LR 10 Calkeld Lane 1
LA1 1LS 10 0
LA1 1LT 10 North Road 8
LA1 1LU 10 North Road 14
LA1 1LW 10 Queen Street 7
LA1 1LY 10 Cheapside 3
LA1 1LZ 10 Cheapside 16
LA1 1NA 10 Chapel Street 28
LA1 1NB 10 Lancaster Gate 10
LA1 1ND 10 Ashton Walk 10
LA1 1NE 10 Perpignan Way 6
LA1 1NF 10 St Nicholas Arcade 1
LA1 1NG 10 Great John Street 3
LA1 1NH 10 Rosemary Lane 2
LA1 1NJ 10 Stonewell 2
LA1 1NL 10 St Leonard's Gate 3
LA1 1NN 10 St Leonard's Gate 1
LA1 1NP 10 Church Street 20
LA1 1NQ 10 Great John Street 8
LA1 1NR 10 Rosemary Lane 5
LA1 1NS 10 North Road 19
LA1 1NW 10 Sugar House Alley 1
LA1 1NX 10 Pitt Street 1
LA1 1NY 10 North Road 11
LA1 1NZ 10 Chapel Street 16
LA1 1PA 10 North Road 2
LA1 1PB 10 Damside Street 14
LA1 1PD 10 Damside Street 4
LA1 1PJ 10 Dalton Square 2 1
LA1 1PL 10 Dalton Square 30
LA1 1PN 10 Dalton Square 1
LA1 1PP 10 Dalton Square 7
LA1 1PQ 10 Bridget Street 5
LA1 1PR 10 Moor Street 3
LA1 1PS 10 2013‑07 0
LA1 1PT 10 Nelson Street 3
LA1 1PU 10 Bulk Street 3
LA1 1PW 10 Dalton Square 2
LA1 1PX 10 Sulyard Street 43
LA1 1PZ 10 Friar Street 15
LA1 1QB 10 2019‑04 Moor Lane 1
LA1 1QD 10 Moor Lane 17
LA1 1QE 10 Moor Lane 3
LA1 1QF 10 Moor Gate 5
LA1 1QH 10 Edward Street 4
LA1 1QL 10 Brewery Lane 1
LA1 1QN 10 Alfred Street 16
LA1 1QQ 10 2015‑10 0
LA1 1QR 10 25 0
LA1 1QS 10 St Leonard's Gate 1
LA1 1QU 10 De Vitre Street 32
LA1 1QW 10 Lodge Street 1
LA1 1QX 10 Denis Street 18
LA1 1QY 10 Sidney Terrace 6
LA1 1QZ 10 Shaw Street 14
LA1 1RB 10 St George's Quay 13
LA1 1RD 10 St George's Quay 12
LA1 1RE 10 King Street 26
LA1 1RF 10 Queen Street 4
LA1 1RG 10 Friar Street 6
LA1 1RH 10 King Street 11
LA1 1RJ 10 King Street 2
LA1 1RL 10 Bridget Street 8
LA1 1RN 10 Queen Square 3
LA1 1RP 10 Queen Square 1
LA1 1RQ 10 Spring Garden Street 5
LA1 1RR 10 Moor Lane 2
LA1 1RS 10 Queen Street 39
LA1 1RT 10 Lindow Close 1
LA1 1RU 10 Queen Street Bungalows 8
LA1 1RW 10 Bryer Street 4
LA1 1RX 10 Queen Street 9
LA1 1RY 10 65
LA1 1SA 10 St George's Quay 12
LA1 1SB 10 Lindow Street 5
LA1 1SD 10 Lindow Street 9
LA1 1SE 10 Lindow Square 16
LA1 1SF 10 Regent Street 1
LA1 1SG 10 Regent Street 17
LA1 1SH 10 Regent Street 19
LA1 1SJ 10 Aldcliffe Road 10
LA1 1SL 10 Brook Street 21
LA1 1SN 10 40 0
LA1 1SQ 10 Regent Street 55
LA1 1SR 10 Morningside 6
LA1 1SS 10 Aldcliffe Place 5
LA1 1ST 10 Aldcliffe Road 1
LA1 1SU 10 Aldcliffe Road 1
LA1 1SW 10 Carr House Lane 24
LA1 1SX 10 Portland Place 4
LA1 1SY 10 Portland Street 1
LA1 1SZ 10 0
LA1 1TD 10 0
LA1 1TE 10 Fenton Street 9
LA1 1TF 10 2013‑07 0
LA1 1TG 10 Cawthorne Street 4
LA1 1TH 10 Meeting House Lane 2
LA1 1TJ 10 Meeting House Lane 17
LA1 1TL 10 Mallard Court 4
LA1 1TN 10 Dallas Road 24
LA1 1TP 10 Dallas Road 4
LA1 1TQ 10 Meeting House Lane 1
LA1 1TR 10 Villas Court 16
LA1 1TS 10 Blades Street 34
LA1 1TT 10 Blades Street 41
LA1 1TU 10 2017‑04 0
LA1 1TW 10 Dallas Road 35
LA1 1TX 10 Meeting House Lane 4
LA1 1UA 10 Penny Street 43
LA1 1UB 10 Wheatfield Mews 41
LA1 1UD 10 2020‑12 Penny Street 0
LA1 1UE 10 Penny Street 2
LA1 1UF 10 Wheatfield Mews 3
LA1 1UG 10 Ffrances Passage 9
LA1 1UH 10 Gage Street 11
LA1 1UJ 10 Aldcliffe Road 2
LA1 1UL 10 Wheatfield Mews 12
LA1 1UN 10 St James Court 17
LA1 1UP 10 James Lane 6
LA1 1UQ 10 Wheatfield Mews 9
LA1 1UR 10 Brock Street 18
LA1 1US 10 2013‑07 Brock Street 0
LA1 1UU 10 Brock Street 12
LA1 1UW 10 Mary Street 4
LA1 1UX 10 0
LA1 1UZ 10 Church Street 3 1
LA1 1WA 10 Castle Park Mews 32
LA1 1WB 10 Aldcliffe Road 3
LA1 1WD 10 Dalton Square 1
LA1 1WE 10 25 0
LA1 1WF 10 0
LA1 1WG 10 25 0
LA1 1WT 10 Anchor Lane 1
LA1 1WY 10 25 0
LA1 1XB 10 0
LA1 1XD 10 Common Garden Street 20
LA1 1XE 10 2013‑07 25 0
LA1 1XF 10 Penny Street 38
LA1 1XG 10 25 0
LA1 1XL 10 0
LA1 1XN 10 Penny Street 69
LA1 1XP 10 Penny Street 1
LA1 1XQ 10 George Street 14
LA1 1XS 10 2013‑07 25 0
LA1 1XT 10 Penny Street 5
LA1 1XU 10 Thurnham Street 18
LA1 1XX 10 Marton Street 3
LA1 1XY 10 25 0
LA1 1XZ 10 George Street 2
LA1 1YB 10 Thurnham Street 1
LA1 1YD 10 Thurnham Street 3
LA1 1YE 10 Victoria Place 1
LA1 1YF 10 Lucy Street 2
LA1 1YG 10 Castle Park 2
LA1 1YH 10 Hillside 6
LA1 1YJ 10 Castle Park 7
LA1 1YL 10 2013‑07 0
LA1 1YN 10 Castle Hill 8
LA1 1YP 10 Castle Hill 2
LA1 1YQ 10 Castle Park 11
LA1 1YR 10 Castle Hill 4
LA1 1YS 10 Castle Hill 15
LA1 1YT 10 2018‑10 25 0
LA1 1YX 10 St Mary's Parade 11
LA1 1YY 10 0
LA1 1YZ 10 0
LA1 1ZN 10 25 0

Units with street mismatches in this sector:

Unit Mapped Dominant Street OSM Object Tagged Street
LA1 1AA 2 Fenton␣Street w155049960 Market␣Street
LA1 1AS 2 North␣Road w571355905 Nile␣Street
LA1 1BJ 3 Aalborg␣Place w567941603 Aalborg␣Square
LA1 1BS 8 Kingsway␣Retail␣Park w675494678 Parliament␣Street
LA1 1BS 8 Kingsway␣Retail␣Park w675494677 Parliament␣Street
LA1 1BS 8 Kingsway␣Retail␣Park w675494675 Parliament␣Street
LA1 1BY 36 King␣Street w566989000 Henry␣Street
LA1 1DB 4 Parliament␣Street w95897112 Bulk␣Road
LA1 1DW 23 Gladstone␣Terrace n3903136926 Bulk␣Road
LA1 1EW 27 Sun␣Street n1554051643 Sun␣Square
LA1 1HL 17 St␣George's␣Quay w374411261
LA1 1HL 17 St␣George's␣Quay w374411263
LA1 1HL 17 St␣George's␣Quay w374411262
LA1 1HL 17 St␣George's␣Quay w374411264
LA1 1HT 21 Market␣Street w48815025 Market␣Square
LA1 1HT 21 Market␣Street n6820159648 Market␣Square
LA1 1JF 9 Marketgate n3789045764 Market␣Street
LA1 1JN 19 King␣Street n8420325748 The␣Covered␣Yard
LA1 1JN 19 King␣Street n8420325750 The␣Covered␣Yard
LA1 1JN 19 King␣Street n8420325747 The␣Covered␣Yard
LA1 1JN 19 King␣Street n8420325749 The␣Covered␣Yard
LA1 1LE 17 Kings␣Arcade w567923037 Middle␣Street
LA1 1LE 17 Kings␣Arcade w566751759 Middle␣Street
LA1 1ND 10 Ashton␣Walk n5869431281 Ashton␣Walk,␣St␣Nicholas␣Arcades
LA1 1NP 20 Church␣Street w566999356 Queen␣Street
LA1 1NP 20 Church␣Street w566999353 Queen␣Street
LA1 1NP 20 Church␣Street w159033018 Queen␣Street
LA1 1NP 20 Church␣Street w566999355 Queen␣Street
LA1 1NP 20 Church␣Street w566999352 Queen␣Street
LA1 1NP 20 Church␣Street w566999354 Queen␣Street
LA1 1NR 5 Rosemary␣Lane r9652587 St␣Leonard's␣Gate
LA1 1QD 17 Moor␣Lane w568785406 Great␣John␣Street
LA1 1QD 17 Moor␣Lane n6544369506 Woodville␣Street
LA1 1QD 17 Moor␣Lane w696858013 Woodville␣Street
LA1 1QF 5 Moor␣Gate w568359808 Bryer␣Street
LA1 1QF 5 Moor␣Gate w568359807 Bryer␣Street
LA1 1QH 4 Edward␣Street w566430419 Moor␣Lane
LA1 1QX 18 Denis␣Street w675436924 Shaw␣Street
LA1 1RS 39 Queen␣Street w566815286 Queen␣Square
LA1 1RY 65 w159017199
LA1 1UP 6 James␣Lane n3930480811 James␣Street
LA1 1UP 6 James␣Lane w602941565 James␣Street
LA1 1UP 6 James␣Lane n985894819 James␣Street
LA1 1XX 3 Marton␣Street w154134229 Penny␣Street
LA1 1YJ 7 Castle␣Park w48815019 Castle␣Parade
LA1 1YS 15 Castle␣Hill w569998771 China␣Street
LA1 1YS 15 Castle␣Hill w569998773 China␣Street
LA1 1YS 15 Castle␣Hill w569998770 China␣Street
LA1 1YS 15 Castle␣Hill w569998772 China␣Street
Data derived from OpenStreetMap data, © OpenStreetMap Contributors, licensed under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Data derived in part using Code-Point Open under the Open Government Licence v3; Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2020; Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and Database right 2016; Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right 2020.