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OSM Street Name Warnings for N Postal Area

Warnings for street names in OSM objects with postcodes in addr:postcode tags in the N Postal Area, based on OSM data from 2024‑04‑10 08:21:28 Z. (The data comes from postcode checks that another tool does, so only includes OSM objects with valid postcodes.) Street names are taken from the following, in order of precedence: the addr:place tag, the addr:parentstreet tag, the addr:street tag, the name tag on street or associatedStreet relation if present, and the addr:locality tag. Remember that only OSM-compatible sources can be used to fix any issues flagged by this tool.

Street Name Mismatches

Each postcode unit normally only includes addresses on a single "street" (although there can be one or more "dependent streets" off a main street within a single unit). The table below lists OSM objects whose computed 'street name' differs from the dominant 'street name' for other objects in that unit. Such difference may be caused by typos in the street name, by objects having the wrong postcode, or by a dependent street being tagged as addr:street, without the main street being appropriately tagged. (In the latter case, I would recommend using addr:parentstreet for the main street, and addr:street for the dependent street. The main street will then be recorded in this tool, but data users unaware of the additional tag, will get something sensible from the addr:street tag.) Note that the 'Dominant Street' listed in the tables is just the most used on other OSM objects with the same postcode — it is not necessarily correct.

Postcode Mapped Dominant Street OSM Object JRC Tagged Street
N1 0AZ 3 York␣Way w424288525 J+ Randell's␣Road
N1 0NU 4 Upper␣Street n348323472 J+ Upper␣street
N1 1DF 3 Hemingford␣Road n6993522055 J+ Caledonian␣Road
N1 1LX 5 Liverpool␣Road w27548055 J+ Lonsdale␣Square
N1 2PG 32 Wallace␣Road n2425827227 J+ Canonbury␣Station
N1 2SJ 3 Essex␣Road w31539135 J+ Cross␣Street
N1 2SN 2 Essex␣Road n300066382 J+ Essex␣road
N1 2PL 15 Northampton␣Grove w227841336 J+ Floral␣Place
N1 2PL 15 Northampton␣Grove w330091947 J+ Floral␣Place
N1 2LF 9 St.␣Paul's␣Road n364548408 J+ St␣Paul's␣Road
N1 2LH 9 St.␣Paul's␣Road n578498509 J+ St␣Paul's␣Road
N1 2LH 9 St.␣Paul's␣Road n339863099 J+ St␣Paul's␣Road
N1 2LJ 31 St.␣Paul's␣Road n5961454998 J+ St␣Paul's␣Road
N1 3AP 18 Essex␣Road n823477087 J+ 234␣Essex␣Road
N1 4AZ 2 King␣Henry's␣Walk w393566444 J+ Kingsbury␣Road
N1 4RA 11 Newington␣Green␣Road w377056424 J+ Newington␣Green
N1 4RA 11 Newington␣Green␣Road w440477730 J+ Newington␣Green
N1 6HD 2 Symister␣Mews w705753620 J+ Coronet␣Street
N1 6NN 4 Hoxton␣Square n2930226352 J+ Digital␣Garage
N1 7QJ 13 Murray␣Grove w25673399 J+ Cavendish␣Street
N1 7SH 2 Wenlock␣Road w36810038 J+ Shepherdess␣Walk
N1 8EA 2 Camden␣Passage w1088490714 J+ Camden␣passage
N1 8LX 2 Essex␣road n618596228 J+ Essex␣Road
N1 9HA 2 Chapel␣Market w119438254 J+ White␣Conduit␣Street
N1 9AG 7 York␣Way n680150064 J+ York␣way
N3 1DH 2 Regents␣Park␣Road n6700037520 J+ Regent's␣Park␣Road
N4 2AA 11 Seven␣Sisters␣Road w592884852 J+ Blackstock␣Road
N4 2JE 4 Seven␣Sisters␣Road n10695581837 J+ Blackstock␣Road
N4 2JE 4 Seven␣Sisters␣Road w592884849 J+ Blackstock␣Road
N4 2AB 7 Seven␣Sisters␣Road w1068061803 J+ Finsbury␣Park␣Road
N4 2AB 7 Seven␣Sisters␣Road w1152684273 J+ Finsbury␣Park␣Road
N4 2AG 13 Seven␣Sisters␣Road n10721262017 J+ Finsbury␣Park␣Road
N4 2AG 13 Seven␣Sisters␣Road n10721262016 J+ Finsbury␣Park␣Road
N4 2AR 13 Queen's␣Drive w1152545304 J+ Joseph␣Close
N4 2AR 13 Queen's␣Drive w1004930270 J+ Joseph␣Close
N4 2PZ 3 Green␣Lanes w25117914 J+ Portland␣Rise
N4 2UT 5 Princes␣Close w1152545363 J+ Portland␣Rise
N4 2UT 5 Princes␣Close w837611087 J+ Portland␣Rise
N4 2LW 48 Gloucester␣Drive w361415651 J+ Queen's␣Drive
N4 2ZF 14 Green␣Lanes n11418683244 J+ Springpark␣Drive
N4 2ZF 14 Green␣Lanes n11418683252 J+ Springpark␣Drive
N4 2ZF 14 Green␣Lanes n11418683249 J+ Springpark␣Drive
N4 2ZF 14 Green␣Lanes n11418683251 J+ Springpark␣Drive
N4 2ZF 14 Green␣Lanes n11418683248 J+ Springpark␣Drive
N4 2ZF 14 Green␣Lanes n11418683253 J+ Springpark␣Drive
N4 2ZF 14 Green␣Lanes n11418683250 J+ Springpark␣Drive
N4 2DF 6 Seven␣Sisters␣Road w30906720 J+ Stroud␣Green␣Road
N4 2DF 6 Seven␣Sisters␣Road w39195103 J+ Stroud␣Green␣Road
N4 2TG 2 Seven␣Sisters␣Road n7817429216 J+ Woodberry␣Down
N5 1RD 5 Highbury␣Corner w32091242 J+ Highbury␣Crescent
N5 1RA 6 Highbury␣Corner n6414163635 J+ Holloway␣Road
N6 4ED 2 Storey␣Road w337071964 J+ North␣Hill
N6 6PJ 3 Swain's␣Lane n4008243799 J+ Swain’s␣Lane
N7 0RY 2 Holloway␣Road w394939527 J+ Holloway␣Rd
N8 0RE 2 Green␣Lanes n4360622778 J+ Harringay
N8 0RL 8 Green␣Lanes n2333408465 J+ Harringay
N8 0RL 8 Green␣Lanes w223934400 J+ Harringay
N8 0RL 8 Green␣Lanes n2333408437 J+ Harringay
N8 0BL 40 Hewitt␣Road w1033814150 J+ Seymour␣Road
N8 0AT 42 Allison␣Road w1052843037 J+ `Allison␣Road
N8 7PN 2 Campsbourne w533155182 J+ High␣Street
N8 8LA 7 Park␣Road r14150830 J+ Park␣Rd
N8 9BD 3 Tottenham␣Lane w1056523745 J+ Cranford␣Way
N9 0AX 23 Picketts␣Lock␣Lane w1137722903 J+ Pickett's␣Lock␣Lane
N9 0AX 23 Picketts␣Lock␣Lane w99408619 J+ Pickett's␣Lock␣Lane
N9 0AY 22 Picketts␣Lock␣Lane w99408630 J+ Pickett's␣Lock␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w187710738 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1030208477 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1030208485 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1030208474 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1030208482 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1031403552 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1030208479 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1031403549 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w187709618 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1030208476 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1030208484 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1030208481 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1031403551 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1030208478 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1030208486 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1030208475 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1030208483 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1031403553 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1030208480 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road w1031403550 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1HA 85 Barrenger␣Road n3141368900 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1QB 4 Page's␣Lane w1040059909 J+ Colney␣Hatch␣Lane
N10 1NN 6 Tetherdown w539258006 J+ Coppetts␣Road
N10 1NN 6 Tetherdown w983566686 J+ Coppetts␣Road
N10 1PS 6 Page's␣Lane w70941820 J+ Pages␣Lane
N10 2LR 19 Sydney␣Road w187734288 J+ Alma␣Close
N10 2LR 19 Sydney␣Road w187734285 J+ Alma␣Close
N10 2LR 19 Sydney␣Road w187734294 J+ Alma␣Close
N10 3SH 6 Muswell␣Hill␣Broadway w504637166 J+ Muswell␣Hill
N10 3SH 6 Muswell␣Hill␣Broadway n2701175419 J+ Muswell␣Hill
N10 3NE 27 Church␣Crescent w366380107 J+ Muswell␣Hill␣Road
N10 3NE 27 Church␣Crescent w1117468475 J+ Muswell␣Hill␣Road
N10 3NE 27 Church␣Crescent w366380106 J+ Muswell␣Hill␣Road
N10 3NE 27 Church␣Crescent w1117468474 J+ Muswell␣Hill␣Road
N10 3NR 20 Queens␣Avenue w532061947 J+ Queen's␣Avenue
N10 3PE 29 Queens␣Avenue w1068579996 J+ Queen's␣Avenue
N11 3FG 12 Coverdale␣Road w187923289 J+ Catterick␣Close
N11 3FG 12 Coverdale␣Road w1026708653 J+ Catterick␣Close
N11 3EQ 19 Friern␣Barnet␣Road w187886515 J+ Hydon␣Court
N11 3EQ 19 Friern␣Barnet␣Road w187886501 J+ Hydon␣Court
N11 3NX 67 Poplar␣Grove n9490859421 J+ Silver␣Birch␣Close
N11 3NX 67 Poplar␣Grove n9490859420 J+ Silver␣Birch␣Close
N11 3NX 67 Poplar␣Grove n9490859422 J+ Silver␣Birch␣Close
N12 0GL 9 Chaplin␣Square n1409601945 J+ Great␣North␣Leisure␣Park
N12 0QZ 3 Leisure␣Way w187826914 J+ High␣Road
N12 0RF 2 Summers␣Lane w187862354 J+ Porters␣Way
N12 8BY 15 Percy␣Road w742679012 J+ Coleridge␣Road
N12 8PE 2 Nether␣Street n11397664260 J+ Moss␣Hall␣Grove
N13 4BS 4 Greens␣Lane n3404324594 J+ Green␣Lanes
N13 5EX 2 Hazelwood␣Lane n7859534337 J+ Green␣Lanes
N14 4HW 12 Chase␣Side n11190364053 J+ Oak␣Hill␣College
N14 5JP 2 Osidge␣Lane n9399338744 J+ Hampden␣Square
N14 6AA 2 Dennis␣Parade n5714857242 J+ Winchmore␣Hill␣Road
N15 3QR 2 West␣Green␣Road w952050767 J+ Langham␣Road
N16 0JL 8 Stoke␣Newington␣Church␣Street w58711162 J+ Church␣Street
N16 7BA 11 Evering␣Road w58702978 J+ Maury␣Road
N16 7PL 13 Stoke␣Newington␣High␣Street n3761737513 J+ Stoke␣Newington␣Church␣Street
N16 8DF 2 Princess␣May␣Road w393887856 J+ Barrett's␣Grove
N16 9HJ 2 Church␣Street n8479300924 J+ Stoke␣Newington␣Church␣Street
N17 0XD 4 Marsh␣Lane n8303301378 J+ Watermead␣Way
N19 3TD 3 Navigator␣Square w99422427 J+ Archway␣Road
N19 3QQ 2 Spears␣Road w90952643 J+ Hornsey␣Road
N1C 4PQ 2 Bagley␣Walk␣Arches,␣Coal␣Drops␣Yard n6142124767 J+ Bagley␣Walk
N1C 4AG 14 Pancras␣Square n5194442399 J+ King's␣Boulevard
N1C 4BZ 2 Wharf␣Road n5057389641 J+ Midland␣Goods␣Shed
N1C 4AG 14 Pancras␣Square n5005777323 J+ Pancras␣Road
N1C 4AG 14 Pancras␣Square n4428875258 J+ Pancras␣Road
N1C 4AG 14 Pancras␣Square n3878901597 J+ Pancras␣Road
N1C 4QL 6 Euston␣Road n647045756 J+ Pancras␣Road
N1C 4QP 5 Euston␣Road n4156455196 J+ Pancras␣Road
N1C 4AG 14 Pancras␣Square n4751839926 J+ Pancras␣square
N1C 4AG 14 Pancras␣Square n4689783959 J+ Pancras␣square
N1C 4QP 5 Euston␣Road n646585258 J+ The␣Circle,␣Saint␣Pancras␣Station
N20 9EZ 4 Oakleigh␣Road␣North w455556518 J+ Oakleigh␣Road
N22 5NJ 9 Stuart␣Crescent w816866298 J+ White␣Hart␣Lane
N22 6EJ 3 High␣Road n11118386694 J+ Hollywood␣Green
N22 6RA 6 Rusper␣Road w1190836204 J+ Rupser␣Road
N22 8BU 11 Falmouth␣Close n7826290256 J+ Faimouth␣Close
N22 8PW 14 Clarence␣Road w838009264 J+ Finsbury␣Cottages
N22 8PW 14 Clarence␣Road w838009261 J+ Finsbury␣Cottages
N22 8PW 14 Clarence␣Road w838009263 J+ Finsbury␣Cottages
N22 8PW 14 Clarence␣Road w838009262 J+ Finsbury␣Cottages
N22 8NG 24 Whittington␣Road n7798793822 J+ Myddleton␣Road
N22 8NG 24 Whittington␣Road n7798793830 J+ Myddleton␣Road
N22 8NG 24 Whittington␣Road n7798793827 J+ Myddleton␣Road
N22 8NG 24 Whittington␣Road n7798793824 J+ Myddleton␣Road
N22 8NG 24 Whittington␣Road n7798793821 J+ Myddleton␣Road
N22 8NG 24 Whittington␣Road n7798793829 J+ Myddleton␣Road
N22 8NG 24 Whittington␣Road n7798793826 J+ Myddleton␣Road
N22 8NG 24 Whittington␣Road n7798793823 J+ Myddleton␣Road
N22 8NG 24 Whittington␣Road n7798793820 J+ Myddleton␣Road
N22 8NG 24 Whittington␣Road n7798793828 J+ Myddleton␣Road
N22 8NG 24 Whittington␣Road n7798793825 J+ Myddleton␣Road
N22 8NL 37 Marlborough␣Road w611601799 J+ Natalie␣Mews
N22 8NL 37 Marlborough␣Road w611601795 J+ Natalie␣Mews
N22 8NL 37 Marlborough␣Road w611601798 J+ Natalie␣Mews
N22 8NL 37 Marlborough␣Road w611601796 J+ Natalie␣Mews

Partially Missing Street Names

OSM objects with an addr:postcode tag, with without a computed street name (see above for method), where at least one other OSM object with the same postcode has a street computed street name. If the postcodes are correct, then the object in question will normally have the same street in its address.

Postcode Mapped Dominant Street OSM Object JRC
N1 1SD 2 Swan␣Yard w313583265 J+
N1 4AB 11 Mildmay␣Street w199768151 J+
N1 4AB 11 Mildmay␣Street w188793961 J+
N1 9EN 12 Chapel␣Market w119438245 J+
N1 9EW 6 Chapel␣Market w119439277 J+
N1 9EW 6 Chapel␣Market w119439268 J+
N8 8JN 3 Park␣Road w189615803 J+
N8 9DG 2 Cranford␣Way w839265029 J+
N9 0TZ 3 Market␣Square w98491029 J+
N10 1HR 12 Coppetts␣Road w1110064883 J+
N10 3NG 14 Muswell␣Hill␣Road w1117461695 J+
N11 3DA 13 Friern␣Barnet␣Road w187885818 J+
N12 0EH 2 Grand␣Arcade n10678662622 J+
N16 0NX 9 Stoke␣Newington␣Church␣Street n374318245 J+
N19 5PX 5 Junction␣Road n11805602669 J+
N1C 4AP 4 Euston␣Road w416601721 J+
N1C 4AP 4 Euston␣Road w416601702 J+
N1C 4QP 5 Euston␣Road n1255944895 J+
N1C 4QP 5 Euston␣Road n3711910289 J+
N1C 4AA 3 Granary␣Square w222021576 J+
N1C 4BS 1 King's␣Cross␣Square n3077317662 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255525 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255533 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255541 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255549 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255522 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255530 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255538 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255546 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255527 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255535 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255543 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255551 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255524 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255532 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255540 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255548 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255529 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255537 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255545 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w838578019 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255526 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255534 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255542 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255550 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255523 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255531 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255539 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255547 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255528 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255536 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255544 J+
N22 8LP 38 Myddleton␣Road w836255552 J+

Fully Missing Street Names

OSM objects with an addr:postcode tag, with without a computed street name (see above for method), where none of the other OSM objects in the same postcode unit have a street name. In some postcode units, the addresses do not have streets, so the entries here are not necessarily errors.

Postcode Mapped OSM Object JRC
N1 1TR 1 r73010 J+
N1 2XG 3 w30692448 J+
N1 2XG 3 w30692447 J+
N1 2XG 3 w30692449 J+
N1 2YP 3 w188487363 J+
N1 2YP 3 w188487359 J+
N1 2YP 3 w188487365 J+
N1 5NN 1 w389682322 J+
N1 5NP 1 w389682612 J+
N1 6RG 1 w57832275 J+
N1 8BL 1 w67221812 J+
N2 0HL 1 w1155618113 J+
N2 0SQ 1 w32645416 J+
N2 8GA 2 w187235129 J+
N2 8GA 2 w48967955 J+
N2 9JP 1 w186306497 J+
N2 9LX 1 w862980223 J+
N4 1RE 1 n1261934034 J+
N4 2GN 1 w807976197 J+
N4 3QX 1 w846984262 J+
N5 1FJ 1 r1181291 J+
N7 7NH 1 w30476099 J+
N7 7NJ 1 w30476100 J+
N7 7NL 1 w30476101 J+
N7 8PZ 1 n11805602769 J+
N7 9JR 1 n2687082145 J+
N8 7SA 1 n6398254837 J+
N8 8EY 1 w371638490 J+
N9 9BT 1 n1869245784 J+
N13 4EU 1 w545364381 J+
N14 5RJ 1 w188936923 J+
N15 3LD 1 w318535630 J+
N15 3NA 1 w279613383 J+
N15 4FA 1 w401269646 J+
N16 5SJ 1 w49436487 J+
N17 6NU 1 w217475599 J+
N19 3EU 1 w42999284 J+
N19 4JA 1 w391261016 J+
N19 4LP 1 w1026666688 J+
N19 4RS 1 w34022672 J+
N1C 4PN 1 w944565397 J+
N21 1AP 1 w546098208 J+
N21 1PG 1 n6783843748 J+
N22 7AY 1 w132534502 J+

Highways with Postcodes

OSM objects with an addr:postcode and a highway tag. It is debatable whether postcodes should be added to streets at all, but if they are to be, it might be preferable to use the postal_code tag instead, as the postcode on the street does not form part of an address.

Postcode Mapped Dominant Street OSM Object JRC Street Name M?
N10 3TG 2 Muswell␣Hill n6582201280 J+ <no name> *

Unexpected Punctuation

Street names containing a comma, colon, semi-colon, forward slash or backward slash, or a hyphen not between words. Occasionally such usage may be legitimate.
Regular expression: /([,:;\/\\]|^-| -|- |-$)/

Postcode Mapped Dominant Street Name
N11 1SL 1 Arnos␣Grove␣Sidings,␣Palmers␣Road
N1C 4PQ 2 Bagley␣Walk␣Arches,␣Coal␣Drops␣Yard
N3 2PT 0 Long␣Lane,␣Finchley
N7 8XH 1 Roman␣Way␣Industrial␣Estate,␣Roman␣Way
N1C 4AH 1 Shared␣Service␣Yard,␣Goods␣Yard

Unexpected Numbers

Street names containing a number. Note that some street names legitimately contain road numbers (e.g. "A147") when the road does not have another name.
Regular expression: /[0-9]/

No such streets found in this area.

Capitalisation Issues

Street names starting with a lowercase letter, or having two consecutive uppercase letters.
Regular expression: /(^[a-z]|[A-Z][A-Z])/

No such streets found in this area.


Street names containing common suffix/descriptor abbreviations, which would normally be expected to be spelt out in full. Note that the abbreviation of 'Saint' to 'St' is often present in the official name of a street, so 'St' is not necessarily an error.
Regular expression: / (Ave|Blvd|Cl|Cresc?|Ct|Gdns?|Grvs?|Ln|Rd|Sq|St|N|S|E|W)(\.?,? |$)/

No such streets found in this area.

White Space Issues

Street names containing any white space characters other than spaces, two or more consecutive spaces, or starting or ending with a space.
Regular expression: /([\a\e\f\n\r\t]| |^ | $)/

No such streets found in this area.

Other Odd Characters

Street names containing anything other than letters, punctuation, spaces and numbers. Not all warnings here will be errors; some may be legitimate uses.
Regular expression: /[^A-Za-z0-9 '\.,:;()/\\-]/

No such streets found in this area.

Data derived from OpenStreetMap data, © OpenStreetMap Contributors, licensed under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). XAPI courtesy of Overpass API.