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OSM Street Name Warnings for SP Postal Area

Warnings for street names in OSM objects with postcodes in addr:postcode tags in the SP Postal Area, based on OSM data from 2024‑04‑10 08:21:28 Z. (The data comes from postcode checks that another tool does, so only includes OSM objects with valid postcodes.) Street names are taken from the following, in order of precedence: the addr:place tag, the addr:parentstreet tag, the addr:street tag, the name tag on street or associatedStreet relation if present, and the addr:locality tag. Remember that only OSM-compatible sources can be used to fix any issues flagged by this tool.

Street Name Mismatches

Each postcode unit normally only includes addresses on a single "street" (although there can be one or more "dependent streets" off a main street within a single unit). The table below lists OSM objects whose computed 'street name' differs from the dominant 'street name' for other objects in that unit. Such difference may be caused by typos in the street name, by objects having the wrong postcode, or by a dependent street being tagged as addr:street, without the main street being appropriately tagged. (In the latter case, I would recommend using addr:parentstreet for the main street, and addr:street for the dependent street. The main street will then be recorded in this tool, but data users unaware of the additional tag, will get something sensible from the addr:street tag.) Note that the 'Dominant Street' listed in the tables is just the most used on other OSM objects with the same postcode — it is not necessarily correct.

Postcode Mapped Dominant Street OSM Object JRC Tagged Street
SP1 1PU 4 Duck␣Lane w690950218 J+ Burroughs␣Hill
SP1 1BD 3 The␣Maltings w264732843 J+ Castle␣Street
SP1 1TF 3 Minster␣Street w261881099 J+ Oatmeal␣Row
SP1 2FB 2 Dolphin␣Street w1233042843 J+ Barnard␣Street
SP1 2LP 2 Blakey␣Road w142767550 J+ Blakey␣Rd
SP1 2AA 2 New␣Canal w291607072 J+ New␣Canal␣Street
SP1 2DX 13 St␣Ann␣Street w1233040575 J+ St␣Ann␣Place
SP1 2EA 3 Prospect␣Place,␣St␣Ann␣Street w1233040597 J+ St␣Ann␣Street
SP1 3NP 18 Park␣Lane w1086306242 J+ Park␣Court,␣Park␣Lane
SP1 3NP 18 Park␣Lane w1086306239 J+ Park␣Court,␣Park␣Lane
SP1 3NP 18 Park␣Lane w1086306241 J+ Park␣Court,␣Park␣Lane
SP1 3NP 18 Park␣Lane w1086306243 J+ Park␣Court,␣Park␣Lane
SP1 3NP 18 Park␣Lane w1086306240 J+ Park␣Court,␣Park␣Lane
SP2 7SD 24 Rectory␣Road w926381530 J+ Adlam␣Buildings
SP2 7SD 24 Rectory␣Road w926381532 J+ Adlam␣Buildings
SP2 7SD 24 Rectory␣Road w926381529 J+ Adlam␣Buildings
SP2 7SD 24 Rectory␣Road w926381531 J+ Adlam␣Buildings
SP2 7SD 24 Rectory␣Road w926381528 J+ Adlam␣Buildings
SP2 7TS 7 Churchill␣Way␣West n3093679645 J+ Chrurchill␣Way␣West
SP2 7DT 6 Salisbury␣Station w684979625 J+ Fisherton␣Street
SP2 7RZ 25 Mill␣Road w1193338477 J+ Rectory␣Road
SP2 7RZ 25 Mill␣Road w1193338478 J+ Rectory␣Road
SP2 7SN 6 Dews␣Road w1192639795 J+ South␣Front
SP2 8TF 16 Rowbarrow␣Close w351895635 J+ Rowbarrow
SP2 8DF 16 The␣Crescent w351915135 J+ Rowbarrow␣Lane
SP2 8DF 16 The␣Crescent w351914458 J+ Rowbarrow␣Lane
SP2 9FA 2 Adlam␣way w690950261 J+ Adlam␣Way
SP2 9FD 9 Coberley␣Drive w765227688 J+ Atlee␣Lane
SP2 9FD 9 Coberley␣Drive w765227689 J+ Atlee␣Lane
SP3 4AH 21 West␣Street w380704180 J+ Groveley␣Road
SP3 4AH 21 West␣Street w380704181 J+ Groveley␣Road
SP3 4AH 21 West␣Street w380473182 J+ Mount␣Lane
SP3 4AH 21 West␣Street w380473178 J+ Mount␣Lane
SP3 4AH 21 West␣Street w380704198 J+ Mount␣Lane
SP3 4AH 21 West␣Street w380473201 J+ Mount␣Lane
SP3 4AH 21 West␣Street w379690806 J+ Short␣Lane
SP3 4AH 21 West␣Street w380473186 J+ Short␣Lane
SP3 4AH 21 West␣Street w380473204 J+ Short␣Lane
SP3 4AH 21 West␣Street w380473183 J+ Short␣Lane
SP3 4AH 21 West␣Street w380473176 J+ Short␣Lane
SP3 4RZ 2 High␣Street w442103712 J+ Tilshead
SP4 0JQ 3 Porton␣Down w122403336 J+ Manor␣Farm␣Road
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony n5065180971 J+ Newton␣Toney
SP4 7HD 5 Salisbury␣Street w171864782 J+ Salisbury␣Road
SP4 7SQ 4 Mid␣Summer␣Place n3226739751 J+ Solstice␣Park␣Avenue
SP5 1EX 2 Hillside␣Close w389105125 J+ East␣Dean␣Road
SP5 1DS 17 Above␣Hedges w1181289995 J+ Manor␣Cottages
SP5 1DS 17 Above␣Hedges w1181290000 J+ Manor␣Cottages
SP5 1DS 17 Above␣Hedges w1181289997 J+ Manor␣Cottages
SP5 1DS 17 Above␣Hedges w1181289994 J+ Manor␣Cottages
SP5 1DS 17 Above␣Hedges w1181289999 J+ Manor␣Cottages
SP5 1DS 17 Above␣Hedges w1181289996 J+ Manor␣Cottages
SP5 1DS 17 Above␣Hedges w1181290001 J+ Manor␣Cottages
SP5 1DS 17 Above␣Hedges w1181289998 J+ Manor␣Cottages
SP5 1DT 8 White␣Way w442099875 J+ Whiteway
SP5 2TA 12 The␣Bramleys w158790460 J+ Common␣Road
SP5 2TA 12 The␣Bramleys w158790451 J+ Common␣Road
SP5 2TA 12 The␣Bramleys w925624886 J+ Common␣Road
SP5 2DX 4 Hamptworth␣Road w929248123 J+ New␣Cottages
SP5 2DX 4 Hamptworth␣Road w926881179 J+ New␣Cottages
SP5 2SN 6 Newtons␣Bungalows w926318986 J+ Newton␣Bungalows
SP5 3RW 2 Clarendon␣Road w857445898 J+ Green␣Drove
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198869295 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198869999 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198869292 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198869996 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198869297 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198870001 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198869294 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198869998 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198869995 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198869296 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198870000 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198869293 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198869997 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198869298 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1RB 52 AllenWater␣Drive w198870002 J+ Allen␣Water␣Drive
SP6 1AY 29 Provost␣Street w285906270 J+ Bridge␣Street
SP6 1AY 29 Provost␣Street n1975981360 J+ Bridge␣Street
SP6 1JB 9 Lower␣Bartons w1022636574 J+ Green␣Lane
SP6 1AB 17 Salisbury␣Street w187082363 J+ King's␣Yard
SP6 1AB 17 Salisbury␣Street n28919578 J+ King's␣Yard
SP6 1AS 22 High␣Street w1016639255 J+ Provost␣Street
SP6 1BS 14 Brook␣Terrace w1022360946 J+ Provost␣Street
SP6 1BS 14 Brook␣Terrace w1022360945 J+ Provost␣Street
SP6 1AQ 7 Round␣Hill w186988909 J+ Roundhill
SP6 1AF 17 Salisbury␣Street w1016514015 J+ Salisbury␣Road
SP7 8JE 13 High␣Street n2539615546 J+ Abbey␣Close
SP7 8LY 3 High␣Street n2549223494 J+ Gold␣Hill
SP7 9QJ 6 Wincombe␣Business␣Park w246596709 J+ Warminster␣Road
SP8 4EP 17 Bay␣Road n10270209193 J+ Bayridge␣Farm
SP8 4EP 17 Bay␣Road n10270209178 J+ Bayridge␣Farm
SP8 4EP 17 Bay␣Road n10270209203 J+ Bayridge␣Farm
SP8 4EP 17 Bay␣Road n10270209188 J+ Bayridge␣Farm
SP8 4EP 17 Bay␣Road n10270209198 J+ Bayridge␣Farm
SP8 4EP 17 Bay␣Road n10270209183 J+ Bayridge␣Farm
SP8 4HH 14 Northmoor␣Cottages n10285255890 J+ Purns␣Mill␣Lane
SP8 4DZ 23 Queen␣Street n10279046395 J+ Queens␣Court
SP8 4DZ 23 Queen␣Street n10279046400 J+ Queens␣Court
SP8 4DZ 23 Queen␣Street n10279046397 J+ Queens␣Court
SP8 4DZ 23 Queen␣Street n10279046394 J+ Queens␣Court
SP8 4DZ 23 Queen␣Street n10279046402 J+ Queens␣Court
SP8 4DZ 23 Queen␣Street n10279046399 J+ Queens␣Court
SP8 4DZ 23 Queen␣Street n10279046396 J+ Queens␣Court
SP8 4DZ 23 Queen␣Street n10279046401 J+ Queens␣Court
SP8 4DZ 23 Queen␣Street n10279046398 J+ Queens␣Court
SP8 4QJ 7 Newbury w76936056 J+ School␣Lane
SP8 4AT 9 St␣Marys␣Court n10278907132 J+ St␣Marys␣Place
SP8 4AT 9 St␣Marys␣Court n10278907131 J+ St␣Marys␣Place
SP8 4AT 9 St␣Marys␣Court n10278907133 J+ St␣Marys␣Place
SP8 4AT 9 St␣Marys␣Court n10278907130 J+ St␣Marys␣Place
SP8 5RL 7 Church␣Street w91938928 J+ Beulah␣Cottage
SP8 5RL 7 Church␣Street w91938925 J+ Beulah␣Cottage
SP8 5RN 8 The␣Lynch w91928642 J+ Church␣Street
SP8 5JQ 2 Cole␣Street␣Lane w246237215 J+ Cole␣Street␣Farm
SP8 5JR 7 Primrose␣Fields w522514547 J+ Hunger␣Hill
SP8 5JR 7 Primrose␣Fields w522514546 J+ Hunger␣Hill
SP10 3LF 5 Hopkinson␣Way n4950317236 J+ Brunel␣Gate
SP10 3LF 5 Hopkinson␣Way n4950289958 J+ Macadam␣Way
SP10 3LF 5 Hopkinson␣Way w185275579 J+ West␣Portway
SP10 3LF 5 Hopkinson␣Way n884094706 J+ West␣Portway
SP11 0HT 4 Hatherden␣Lane w837385751 J+ Hatherden␣Lane,␣Hatherden

Partially Missing Street Names

OSM objects with an addr:postcode tag, with without a computed street name (see above for method), where at least one other OSM object with the same postcode has a street computed street name. If the postcodes are correct, then the object in question will normally have the same street in its address.

Postcode Mapped Dominant Street OSM Object JRC
SP1 1DA 2 Blue␣Boar␣Row n6270603239 J+
SP1 1PU 4 Duck␣Lane w691780033 J+
SP1 1PU 4 Duck␣Lane w690950219 J+
SP1 2DR 4 St␣Ann␣Street w695789104 J+
SP1 3UZ 2 Bourne␣Hill n9218522775 J+
SP2 0EJ 3 Burcombe␣Lane w642289175 J+
SP2 0HE 2 North␣Street n2420959271 J+
SP2 0BJ 2 Wishford␣Road r14121798 J+
SP2 7TS 7 Churchill␣Way␣West n324228763 J+
SP2 7SF 12 East␣Street w1192825070 J+
SP2 7SP 6 Fisherton␣Street w1192639806 J+
SP2 7SG 11 North␣Street w1193078769 J+
SP2 7DT 6 Salisbury␣Station n5110026312 J+
SP2 7DT 6 Salisbury␣Station n5110020848 J+
SP2 7SW 8 Sandown␣Place w1192824228 J+
SP2 7SQ 10 West␣Street w1193009140 J+
SP2 8QD 39 Senior␣Drive w352482707 J+
SP2 9FE 4 Wyvern␣Row w690950253 J+
SP2 9FE 4 Wyvern␣Row w690950252 J+
SP3 5QD 7 High␣Street w915101256 J+
SP3 6AE 2 Church␣Street w237965208 J+
SP3 6HF 2 High␣Street w180014972 J+
SP3 6LD 2 High␣Street n1128156602 J+
SP4 0JF 2 Main␣Road n2600896633 J+
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony w1223164384 J+
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony w1223164413 J+
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony w1223164410 J+
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony w1223164386 J+
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony w1223164415 J+
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony w1223164412 J+
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony w1223164409 J+
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony w1223164417 J+
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony w1223164385 J+
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony w1223164414 J+
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony w1223164411 J+
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony w1223164387 J+
SP4 0HF 15 Newton␣Tony w1223164416 J+
SP4 0JQ 3 Porton␣Down w28130003 J+
SP4 6NU 1 Blue␣Boar␣Row n281328911 J+
SP4 8DL 4 Bulford␣Road n8889912767 J+
SP4 8DL 4 Bulford␣Road n8889912770 J+
SP4 8PY 2 The␣Packway n1128156362 J+
SP4 9PJ 3 High␣Street n1128157064 J+
SP5 1BX 6 Andover␣Road w1154063422 J+
SP5 1BX 6 Andover␣Road w1154063418 J+
SP5 1BX 6 Andover␣Road w1154063421 J+
SP5 1BX 6 Andover␣Road w1154063415 J+
SP5 1BX 6 Andover␣Road w1154063423 J+
SP5 1BX 6 Andover␣Road w1154063420 J+
SP5 1DQ 24 High␣Street n1128156833 J+
SP5 1JB 2 Moody's␣Hill w693929199 J+
SP5 1DY 6 White␣Hill w1181148567 J+
SP5 2SL 5 Brickworth␣Road w926268721 J+
SP5 2SL 5 Brickworth␣Road w926268720 J+
SP5 2SL 5 Brickworth␣Road w926268723 J+
SP5 2BP 6 Forest␣Road w170965831 J+
SP5 2HU 2 Morgans␣Vale␣Road w998186437 J+
SP5 2BB 32 Partridge␣Hill w909390772 J+
SP5 2BB 32 Partridge␣Hill n4181857160 J+
SP5 2LR 20 Pine␣View␣Close w826211248 J+
SP5 2EW 10 Stock␣Lane w910480696 J+
SP5 2EW 10 Stock␣Lane w925261569 J+
SP5 2EW 10 Stock␣Lane w910480695 J+
SP5 2EW 10 Stock␣Lane w910480694 J+
SP5 2EW 10 Stock␣Lane w925261571 J+
SP5 2LN 18 The␣Ridge w826211204 J+
SP5 2LN 18 The␣Ridge w826211206 J+
SP5 2LN 18 The␣Ridge w826211205 J+
SP5 2LN 18 The␣Ridge w826211209 J+
SP5 2LN 18 The␣Ridge n1128157054 J+
SP5 2LW 10 The␣Ridge w676917054 J+
SP5 2LY 13 Vale␣Road w653180929 J+
SP5 3RF 17 Grimstead␣Road w928367421 J+
SP5 3LY 2 The␣Borough w1126732409 J+
SP5 4DS 20 Britford w79272938 J+
SP6 1AB 17 Salisbury␣Street w1016276524 J+
SP6 2NE 2 Hatchett␣Green w998457306 J+
SP7 8JT 2 Church␣Lane w246736739 J+
SP7 8DS 4 Ivy␣Cross n2083681543 J+
SP7 8DS 4 Ivy␣Cross w198204042 J+
SP7 8DS 4 Ivy␣Cross n4026306134 J+
SP7 8FG 1 Wincombe␣Lane w245361362 J+
SP7 9DL 3 Church␣Hill n3009010161 J+
SP7 9DL 3 Church␣Hill n3009008800 J+
SP7 9ND 2 Ludwell n1128156168 J+
SP8 4PJ 2 Broad␣Robin n1079472959 J+
SP8 4UA 5 Chantry␣Fields n10553224874 J+
SP8 4HH 14 Northmoor␣Cottages n10285255897 J+
SP8 4HH 14 Northmoor␣Cottages n10285255888 J+
SP8 4HH 14 Northmoor␣Cottages n10285280810 J+
SP8 4HH 14 Northmoor␣Cottages n10285255901 J+
SP8 4HH 14 Northmoor␣Cottages n10285255896 J+
SP8 4HH 14 Northmoor␣Cottages n10285280813 J+
SP8 4HH 14 Northmoor␣Cottages n10285280809 J+
SP8 4HH 14 Northmoor␣Cottages n10285255898 J+
SP8 4HH 14 Northmoor␣Cottages n10285255889 J+
SP8 4HH 14 Northmoor␣Cottages n10285280811 J+
SP8 4HH 14 Northmoor␣Cottages n10285255908 J+
SP8 5RL 7 Church␣Street w101835997 J+
SP8 5JS 2 Hunger␣Hill n1139662360 J+
SP10 3LG 21 Denning␣Mead n1241941681 J+
SP10 3BH 2 Weyhill␣Road n1116395065 J+
SP10 4DU 2 Newbury␣Road w176324401 J+
SP11 0HT 4 Hatherden␣Lane w167436992 J+
SP11 0PH 2 Weyhill␣Road n1890446389 J+
SP11 6TY 2 Picket␣Twenty␣Way w244435836 J+
SP11 6LU 2 Walworth␣Road w510949819 J+

Fully Missing Street Names

OSM objects with an addr:postcode tag, with without a computed street name (see above for method), where none of the other OSM objects in the same postcode unit have a street name. In some postcode units, the addresses do not have streets, so the entries here are not necessarily errors.

Postcode Mapped OSM Object JRC
SP1 1DF 1 w266580665 J+
SP1 1LR 1 w1053371280 J+
SP1 1PT 3 w691780038 J+
SP1 1PT 3 w691780037 J+
SP1 1PT 3 w691780035 J+
SP1 2EB 1 w562872388 J+
SP1 2EQ 1 w79418033 J+
SP1 2LH 10 w1233637709 J+
SP1 2LH 10 w1233637706 J+
SP1 2LH 10 w1233637711 J+
SP1 2LH 10 w1233637708 J+
SP1 2LH 10 w1233637705 J+
SP1 2LH 10 w1233637713 J+
SP1 2LH 10 w1233637710 J+
SP1 2LH 10 w1233637707 J+
SP1 2LH 10 w1233637704 J+
SP1 2LH 10 w1233637712 J+
SP1 2PF 1 w293540238 J+
SP1 2QQ 1 w60730144 J+
SP1 2UD 2 w142767548 J+
SP1 2UD 2 w354224074 J+
SP1 3JD 1 n1128156247 J+
SP2 0BZ 1 r2588390 J+
SP2 0QW 1 w961709919 J+
SP2 7JJ 1 n34687427 J+
SP2 7LD 1 n5209673110 J+
SP2 7RU 1 w1192313187 J+
SP2 7SS 3 w1192639802 J+
SP2 7SS 3 w1192639804 J+
SP2 7SS 3 w1192639803 J+
SP2 7TD 1 w79430021 J+
SP2 7UA 2 w1192830028 J+
SP2 7UA 2 w1192830031 J+
SP2 9DJ 1 n1128156104 J+
SP3 5NH 1 n11525530740 J+
SP3 5PF 1 w255092077 J+
SP3 5PX 1 w332979120 J+
SP3 5PY 3 w915101254 J+
SP3 5PY 3 w915101252 J+
SP3 5PY 3 w915101257 J+
SP3 5QB 4 w915101261 J+
SP3 5QB 4 w915101263 J+
SP3 5QB 4 w915101260 J+
SP3 5QB 4 w915101262 J+
SP3 5QY 1 w257142210 J+
SP3 5SF 1 n1128156632 J+
SP3 5SN 1 n4367948705 J+
SP3 6DJ 1 n1782767349 J+
SP3 6HH 1 n721597316 J+
SP3 6NB 1 n603138120 J+
SP3 6PY 1 n2784811225 J+
SP3 6RF 1 w160644318 J+
SP3 6SE 1 w200363145 J+
SP4 0AG 1 n3768182458 J+
SP4 0BN 1 n3768182459 J+
SP4 0DW 1 w1093109317 J+
SP4 0ES 2 w1195879769 J+
SP4 0HA 1 n5065180969 J+
SP4 6AS 1 w28233456 J+
SP4 6DX 1 w806433169 J+
SP4 7AS 1 n339087240 J+
SP4 7AX 1 w260956652 J+
SP4 7DE 2 w37118074 J+
SP4 7DE 2 w256225995 J+
SP4 7FH 1 w483060330 J+
SP4 7GD 1 w954208813 J+
SP4 7LX 1 w261108877 J+
SP4 7PW 1 w261107199 J+
SP4 7XX 1 w260953019 J+
SP4 8DH 1 w656387606 J+
SP4 8HH 1 w186216349 J+
SP4 8QB 1 w424249286 J+
SP4 8QU 1 w39207223 J+
SP4 9AE 1 n1128157051 J+
SP4 9HP 1 w422674668 J+
SP4 9JY 1 w422940135 J+
SP5 1EY 1 w143642064 J+
SP5 1JA 1 w693929175 J+
SP5 1JF 2 w693929213 J+
SP5 1JF 2 w693929214 J+
SP5 1NH 1 w397660217 J+
SP5 1NT 2 w376729585 J+
SP5 1NT 2 w376729510 J+
SP5 2AJ 1 n1128155995 J+
SP5 2BN 1 w168831731 J+
SP5 2BY 1 w120413546 J+
SP5 2EQ 1 w925535136 J+
SP5 2ER 1 w924763472 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763450 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924775194 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763468 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763489 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763452 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763477 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924775198 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763449 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763470 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924775193 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763466 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763486 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763451 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763476 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924775197 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763448 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763469 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924775191 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763463 J+
SP5 2ES 20 w924763483 J+
SP5 2ET 6 w924429710 J+
SP5 2ET 6 w924429704 J+
SP5 2ET 6 w924429706 J+
SP5 2ET 6 w924429701 J+
SP5 2ET 6 w924429712 J+
SP5 2ET 6 w924429705 J+
SP5 2EU 7 w924506224 J+
SP5 2EU 7 w925261547 J+
SP5 2EU 7 w924506212 J+
SP5 2EU 7 w924506220 J+
SP5 2EU 7 w925261546 J+
SP5 2EU 7 w924506215 J+
SP5 2EU 7 w925261545 J+
SP5 2HJ 1 w998186659 J+
SP5 2HL 1 w998186668 J+
SP5 2HN 1 w998186652 J+
SP5 2HP 1 w998186671 J+
SP5 2HS 1 w998186544 J+
SP5 2HX 1 w670262602 J+
SP5 2HY 1 w670262579 J+
SP5 2HZ 1 w670262589 J+
SP5 2JA 1 w998429378 J+
SP5 2JX 5 w926271963 J+
SP5 2JX 5 w926271966 J+
SP5 2JX 5 w926271962 J+
SP5 2JX 5 w926271965 J+
SP5 2JX 5 w926271967 J+
SP5 2LL 1 w777429269 J+
SP5 2NA 1 w676781229 J+
SP5 2NB 1 w676781220 J+
SP5 2NQ 1 w676917005 J+
SP5 2QP 3 w926597411 J+
SP5 2QP 3 w926597409 J+
SP5 2QP 3 w926597412 J+
SP5 2QZ 2 w923855516 J+
SP5 2QZ 2 w923855517 J+
SP5 2RA 2 w923855505 J+
SP5 2RA 2 w923855506 J+
SP5 2SG 1 w158698428 J+
SP5 3AX 1 w562836095 J+
SP5 3BD 1 w23817909 J+
SP5 3EB 1 n1128157045 J+
SP5 3HN 1 w129875847 J+
SP5 3LN 1 w645288180 J+
SP5 3LZ 1 w129875854 J+
SP5 3NH 2 w998462685 J+
SP5 3NH 2 w998462669 J+
SP5 3NL 6 w998462665 J+
SP5 3NL 6 w998462662 J+
SP5 3NL 6 w998462667 J+
SP5 3NL 6 w998462664 J+
SP5 3NL 6 w998462666 J+
SP5 3NL 6 w998462663 J+
SP5 3NN 2 w998462672 J+
SP5 3NN 2 w998462671 J+
SP5 4EN 1 n1825886456 J+
SP5 4LP 1 w110994161 J+
SP5 4LU 1 w145197897 J+
SP5 5AP 1 w400754516 J+
SP5 5DS 1 w484912194 J+
SP5 5PS 1 w906930286 J+
SP5 5QD 1 w270426062 J+
SP6 1PP 1 n492887852 J+
SP6 1PT 1 w885212160 J+
SP6 1PX 1 n7912548086 J+
SP6 1QT 1 w1016520991 J+
SP6 1RG 3 w1017008265 J+
SP6 1RG 3 w1017008282 J+
SP6 1RG 3 w1017008281 J+
SP6 2AN 1 w998457312 J+
SP6 2AR 1 n761831753 J+
SP6 2BF 1 w645288155 J+
SP6 2DF 2 r14071665 J+
SP6 2DF 2 w187771180 J+
SP6 2NB 2 w998457274 J+
SP6 2NB 2 w998457275 J+
SP6 2ND 1 w998457303 J+
SP6 2RB 1 w645288165 J+
SP6 2RE 1 w645288131 J+
SP6 2RG 1 w998457313 J+
SP6 2RQ 1 w645288188 J+
SP6 3HU 1 n1783416377 J+
SP6 3JS 7 w1187352927 J+
SP6 3JS 7 w1187352941 J+
SP6 3JS 7 w486576365 J+
SP6 3JS 7 w1187352925 J+
SP6 3JS 7 w1187352929 J+
SP6 3JS 7 w1187352918 J+
SP6 3JS 7 w486576366 J+
SP6 3LA 12 w1187361641 J+
SP6 3LA 12 w1187416826 J+
SP6 3LA 12 w1187361648 J+
SP6 3LA 12 w1187413315 J+
SP6 3LA 12 w1187361574 J+
SP6 3LA 12 w1187416824 J+
SP6 3LA 12 w1187361576 J+
SP6 3LA 12 w1187361644 J+
SP6 3LA 12 w1187413314 J+
SP6 3LA 12 w1187361573 J+
SP6 3LA 12 w1187361637 J+
SP6 3LA 12 w1187413321 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187361596 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187411757 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187361593 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187411776 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187411764 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187361595 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187411756 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187411775 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187411758 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187361594 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187411750 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187411780 J+
SP6 3LD 15 n11028506562 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187697274 J+
SP6 3LD 15 w1187411765 J+
SP6 3LE 1 w1187361619 J+
SP6 3LF 5 w1187361570 J+
SP6 3LF 5 w1187361569 J+
SP6 3LF 5 w1187361582 J+
SP6 3LF 5 w1187361568 J+
SP6 3LF 5 w1187361580 J+
SP6 3LG 6 w1187411724 J+
SP6 3LG 6 w1187361602 J+
SP6 3LG 6 w1187361604 J+
SP6 3LG 6 w1187411723 J+
SP6 3LG 6 w1187361601 J+
SP6 3LG 6 w1187361603 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187361575 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187413308 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187552330 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187552353 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187361577 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187552348 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187361640 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187413303 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187552329 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187552352 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187552343 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187416828 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187361653 J+
SP6 3LN 14 w1187552349 J+
SP6 3NA 1 w166938152 J+
SP6 3NR 1 w947056319 J+
SP7 0LG 1 w180998544 J+
SP7 0NY 1 n1128156991 J+
SP7 8HQ 1 w176761446 J+
SP7 9AW 1 n7830663956 J+
SP7 9HF 1 n2362875302 J+
SP7 9PF 1 n1128156954 J+
SP7 9QA 1 w120407369 J+
SP8 4EU 4 n10285346984 J+
SP8 4EU 4 n10285346977 J+
SP8 4EU 4 n10285255883 J+
SP8 4EU 4 n10285346978 J+
SP8 4UN 1 n10285346979 J+
SP8 5BD 1 w142730940 J+
SP8 5LX 1 w133036183 J+
SP8 5LZ 1 n2362875303 J+
SP8 5NB 1 n870987181 J+
SP8 5QD 1 w121269598 J+
SP8 5QP 4 w116199811 J+
SP8 5QP 4 n7031638338 J+
SP8 5QP 4 n2423936164 J+
SP8 5QP 4 n7104198187 J+
SP8 5QR 2 n10283115048 J+
SP8 5QR 2 n10283115043 J+
SP8 5RP 1 n864590736 J+
SP8 5SF 1 n1454255994 J+
SP9 7AF 1 w372436977 J+
SP9 7LD 1 n1128156271 J+
SP9 7UF 1 w372401515 J+
SP10 1NE 1 w306551670 J+
SP10 3AL 1 w177522917 J+
SP10 3LU 1 w452784757 J+
SP10 3PB 1 r1841431 J+
SP10 3QP 3 w108513597 J+
SP10 3QP 3 w177683442 J+
SP10 3QP 3 w108513595 J+
SP10 4BB 1 n1037917145 J+
SP10 5JY 1 r2438984 J+
SP11 0AS 1 n4205904160 J+
SP11 0DB 1 n9322185162 J+
SP11 0EL 1 w765453679 J+
SP11 0ER 1 w362580472 J+
SP11 0HJ 1 w1095103291 J+
SP11 0HU 6 w563956415 J+
SP11 0HU 6 w563956412 J+
SP11 0HU 6 w563956414 J+
SP11 0HU 6 w563956411 J+
SP11 0HU 6 w563956413 J+
SP11 0HU 6 w563956408 J+
SP11 0SA 1 n5211748135 J+
SP11 6BE 1 n4927552002 J+
SP11 6BG 1 w402184268 J+
SP11 6FY 4 w304370963 J+
SP11 6FY 4 w304371109 J+
SP11 6FY 4 w178301599 J+
SP11 6FY 4 w304371079 J+
SP11 6HH 1 n33426062 J+
SP11 6JJ 1 w167772741 J+
SP11 6LQ 1 w585450050 J+
SP11 6PB 2 n3342209624 J+
SP11 6PB 2 w327429478 J+
SP11 6QX 1 n4677017405 J+
SP11 7AZ 1 w537259828 J+
SP11 7BA 2 w537266866 J+
SP11 7BA 2 w537266869 J+
SP11 7BB 2 w537511547 J+
SP11 7BB 2 w537511544 J+
SP11 7QX 1 w162195387 J+
SP11 7RE 1 w162194049 J+
SP11 8JS 1 w226562107 J+
SP11 8JT 1 w226562947 J+
SP11 8NT 1 w122624244 J+
SP11 8PZ 1 w280711720 J+
SP11 9BL 1 w224766523 J+
SP11 9DX 1 n618460525 J+
SP11 9HR 1 w167434405 J+
SP11 9PE 1 w224766521 J+
SP11 9PZ 1 n33258268 J+

Highways with Postcodes

OSM objects with an addr:postcode and a highway tag. It is debatable whether postcodes should be added to streets at all, but if they are to be, it might be preferable to use the postal_code tag instead, as the postcode on the street does not form part of an address.

Postcode Mapped Dominant Street OSM Object JRC Street Name M?
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w892471202 J+ Thruxton␣Circuit *
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w892471210 J+ Woodham␣Hill *
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w892471199 J+ Club *
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w892471207 J+ Goodwood *
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w892471204 J+ Cobb *
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w892471201 J+ Allard *
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w892471209 J+ Church *
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w892471198 J+ Segrave *
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w892471206 J+ <no name> *
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w892471203 J+ Campbell *
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w892471200 J+ Thruxton␣Circuit *
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w892471208 J+ Village *
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w7736906 J+ Brooklands *
SP11 8PW 15 Thruxton␣Cicuit w892471205 J+ Noble *

Unexpected Punctuation

Street names containing a comma, colon, semi-colon, forward slash or backward slash, or a hyphen not between words. Occasionally such usage may be legitimate.
Regular expression: /([,:;\/\\]|^-| -|- |-$)/

Postcode Mapped Dominant Street Name
SP5 3SQ 6 Bankside,␣Chapel␣Hill
SP2 7SJ 9 Clifton␣Row,␣West␣Street
SP5 2LX 4 Hillcroft,␣Vale␣Road
SP11 8EZ 1 Pioneer␣Way,␣Andover␣Business␣Park
SP1 2EA 3 Prospect␣Place,␣St␣Ann␣Street
SP11 6GP 0 Texel␣Green␣,␣Ryeland␣Way
SP11 6GL 1 Texel␣Green,␣Boreway␣Close
SP11 6GQ 1 Texel␣Green,␣Herdwick␣Road
SP10 3EL 1 The␣Avenue␣/␣Bishop's␣Way

Unexpected Numbers

Street names containing a number. Note that some street names legitimately contain road numbers (e.g. "A147") when the road does not have another name.
Regular expression: /[0-9]/

Postcode Mapped Dominant Street Name
SP5 1BZ 1 A343

Capitalisation Issues

Street names starting with a lowercase letter, or having two consecutive uppercase letters.
Regular expression: /(^[a-z]|[A-Z][A-Z])/

No such streets found in this area.


Street names containing common suffix/descriptor abbreviations, which would normally be expected to be spelt out in full. Note that the abbreviation of 'Saint' to 'St' is often present in the official name of a street, so 'St' is not necessarily an error.
Regular expression: / (Ave|Blvd|Cl|Cresc?|Ct|Gdns?|Grvs?|Ln|Rd|Sq|St|N|S|E|W)(\.?,? |$)/

Postcode Mapped Dominant Street Name
SP1 2EA 3 Prospect␣Place,␣St␣Ann␣Street

White Space Issues

Street names containing any white space characters other than spaces, two or more consecutive spaces, or starting or ending with a space.
Regular expression: /([\a\e\f\n\r\t]| |^ | $)/

No such streets found in this area.

Other Odd Characters

Street names containing anything other than letters, punctuation, spaces and numbers. Not all warnings here will be errors; some may be legitimate uses.
Regular expression: /[^A-Za-z0-9 '\.,:;()/\\-]/

No such streets found in this area.

Data derived from OpenStreetMap data, © OpenStreetMap Contributors, licensed under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). XAPI courtesy of Overpass API.