You are in: Rob's OSM Stuff » Linear Maps » Mildenhall » Police Station Square

Linear Map: Police Station Square, Mildenhall

Please ensure that only OSM-compatible sources are used to contribute missing data. Websites of chains may not be used (database rights), nor should Google StreetView (terms of use) nor the Royal Mail Postcode Finder (terms of use). Ground surveys, street-level imagery available through iD, FHRS data, Code-Point Open, and websites of individual independent stores can all be used.

𝒩  ER Gray & Co (accountant) W
𝒩  ER Eastgate Veterinary Clinic (veterinary) W
7 ER GJ's Salon (beauty) W
6 ER China House (fast food) F W
4-5 ER Dragon House (fast food) F W
3 ER

Total of 6 POIs and addresses found. Load all in JOSM.

Results from OSM data as of 2024‑01‑02 12:53:38 Z. For inclusion criteria and a key / details of the checks, see

OpenStreetMap data, © OpenStreetMap Contributors, licensed under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).