You are in: Rob's OSM Stuff » Nameless » shop » wholesale

Nameless Objects: shop=wholesale

This page flags shop=wholesale objects in the UK, that do not have a name=* tag, which would normally be expected. Often a survey will be needed to determine the missing name. The objects also appear in the Survey Me! tool.

Object Amenity Leisure Tourism Housename Brand Operator Disused W LE JRC
n4505084006 W 4m +J
n10865509138 11m +J
w1143063592 14m +J
w706400831 12m +J
w317295938 4y +J
w139513680 12m +J
w139513681 12m +J
w317295984 4y +J
w1252162442 8w +J
w317296017 8m +J
w757296294 4y +J
n9492463841 8m +J
w90848740 3y +J
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