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OSM Post Box Progress in the 'DD2' Postal District

Copyright Warning: The box locations and reference numbers shown by the blue markers on the map, and the box numbers and location descriptions in the table are © Royal Mail. They may not be used directly in OSM — in particular do not use them to add either box locations or numbers to OSM. But you may find them helpful in suggesting places you would like to survey in the hope of finding post boxes to add.

Overall stats for DD2 postal district: 59 / 59 (100.0%). Map key:

The OSM is refreshed roughly once a week, and was last updated on 2024‑09‑04 08:05:00 Z.

Boxes in this District on Royal Mail's List

Box number Description ML OSM Object OSM CT OSM RC LE Offset
DD2 1 GLAMIS ROAD 🔍 n4385881107 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 GR 15m 5m
DD2 3 DUNDEE WEST DO METER BOX 1 🔍 n10800141206 Mo-Fr 18:30; Sa 12:15 no 5m 15m
DD2 4 DUNDEE WEST DO METER BOX 2 🔍 n10800154376 Mo-Fr 18:30; Sa 12:15 no 5m 17m
DD2 11 GROSVENOR ROAD 🔍 n4612701136 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 GR 15m 7m
DD2 12 PIPERDAM 🔍 n7141833952 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 17m 2m
DD2 19 SAGGAR STREET 🔍 n610366306 Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 10:45 scottish_crown 18m 10m
DD2 24 BULLIONFIELD FILLING STATION 🔍 n5240155096 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 no 19m 25m
DD2 30 WINDSOR STREET 🔍 n4543493879 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 GVIR 15m 11m
DD2 40 NORWOOD CRESCENT 🔍 n4385881110 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 GVIR 15m 12m
DD2 44 DUNSINANE AVENUE 🔍 n10800147153 Mo-Fr 18:15; Sa 10:00 no 3m 20m
DD2 45 LIFF ROAD 🔍 n4816460667 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 7y 2m
DD2 54 LOCHEE ROAD POST OFFICE 🔍 n8066148146 Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 10:45 scottish_crown 6m 6m
DD2 55 OSBORNE PLACE 🔍 n4543493878 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 VR 15m 27m
DD2 56 LOCHEE HIGH STREET 🔍 n683227633 Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 11:30 scottish_crown 16m 21m
DD2 64 LOCHINVER CRESCENT 🔍 n4816546855 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 7y 8m
DD2 65 CHARLESTON DRIVE 🔍 n5240155102 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 3y 193m
DD2 68 APOLLO WAY 🔍 n4816552457 Mo-Fr 18:15; Sa 11:15 no 18m 32m
DD2 69 APOLLO WAY 🔍 n4816552458 Mo-Fr 18:30; Sa 11:15 scottish_crown 19m 21m
DD2 70 POST BOX ROAD 🔍 n7141713770 Mo-Fr 16:30; Sa 11:30 scottish_crown 16m 14m
DD2 74 WHORTERBANK 🔍 n697268788 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 VR 15m 30m
DD2 90 TESCO 🔍 n1645470861 Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 11:00 scottish_crown 19m 11m
DD2 93 FOWLIS 🔍 n2196646100 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 11m 11m
DD2 111 DUNDEE AIRPORT 🔍 n4720991800 Mo-Fr 16:00; Sa 11:00 scottish_crown 7y 10m
DD2 131 LIFF VILLAGE 🔍 n2169310656 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 11m 2m
DD2 137 FIVE MILE HOUSE POST OFFICE 🔍 n7141825097 Mo-Fr 16:00; Sa 11:30 scottish_crown 4y 17m
DD2 138 SOUTH ROAD 🔍 n4893587347 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 7y 64m
DD2 139 PITALPIN STREET 🔍 n4816460666 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 GVIR 15m 20m
DD2 140 BURNSIDE ROAD 🔍 n2188890711 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 6y 20m
DD2 141 INVERGOWRIE POST OFFICE 🔍 n2188890712 Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 11:30 GVIR 15m 4m
DD2 142 ERROL ROAD 🔍 n2188890713 Mo-Fr 09:00, Sa 07:00 GR 15m 6m
DD2 143 KINGOODIE 🔍 n2193042776 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 4y 43m
DD2 152 BALGARTHNO STREET 🔍 n4816489188 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 7y 10m
DD2 155 COUPAR ANGUS ROAD 🔍 n10827526579 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 16m 14m
DD2 160 WEST GROVE AVENUE 🔍 n4612701135 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 7y 8m
DD2 165 MENZIESHILL POST OFFICE 🔍 n5240155226 Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 11:30 scottish_crown 21m 8m
DD2 183 KINGS CROSS ROAD 🔍 n10827521859 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 16m 6m
DD2 184 REDCROFT 🔍 n4463733475 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 GR 15m 4m
DD2 201 CORSO STREET 🔍 n4397977012 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 10:30 GR 15m 9m
DD2 214 LONGFORGAN EAST 🔍 n3761296122 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 8y 11m
DD2 215 67 SCOTT STREET 🔍 n4463733478 Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 10:45 GVIR 15m 24m
DD2 216 LONGFORGAN POST OFFICE 🔍 n3761296119 Mo-Fr 17:00; Sa 09:00 GVIR 15m 8m
DD2 217 BACKHILL 🔍 n697269724 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 GVIR 15m 11m
DD2 230 DUNSINANE AVENUE 🔍 n10800150478 Mo-Fr 18:15; Sa 10:00 GVIR 3m 46m
DD2 240 HILLSIDE 🔍 n4463741746 Mo-Fr 16:45; Sa 12:00 GR 15m 6m
DD2 259 BROWNHILL ROAD 🔍 n4816460656 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 7y 6m
DD2 263 INVERGOWRIE DRIVE 🔍 n4463748979 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 7y 12m
DD2 265 TURNBERRY AVENUE 🔍 n10836834165 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 16m 15m
DD2 267 CHARLESTON POST OFFICE 🔍 n4816489160 Mo-Fr 16:45; Sa 11:30 scottish_crown 7y 6m
DD2 270 DUNHOLM ROAD 🔍 n4816546860 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 23m 10m
DD2 273 NOBLE AVENUE 🔍 n2193042775 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 6y 12m
DD2 277 LOSSIE PLACE 🔍 n4893586720 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 7y 4m
DD2 282 LUNDIE 🔍 n10795443541 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 17m 5m
DD2 287 BIRKDALE PLACE 🔍 n10827624792 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 15m 31m
DD2 292 JONSTON AVENUE 🔍 n10827486688 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 16m 9m
DD2 295 DUNDEE WEST DO 🔍 n10800126252 Mo-Fr 18:30; Sa 12:15 scottish_crown 5m 10m
DD2 299 NINEWELLS CIRCLE 🔍 n4385881108 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 8y 6m
DD2 301 HAZEL DRIVE 🔍 n4463748972 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 scottish_crown 7y 33m
DD2 580 BLACKNESS AVENUE 🔍 n697268787 Mo-Fr 09:00; Sa 07:00 EVIIR 15m 4m
DD2 999 TESCO (SOUTH ROAD) 🔍 n4816546861 Mo-Fr 16:30; Sa 11:00 scottish_crown 6m 28m

Boxes from OSM with refs in this District, but not on Royal Mail's List

Box number OSM ID LE
DD2 22 10601796842 15m
DD2 100 11672399780 6m
DD2 250 11039682317 13m
OpenStreetMap data, © OpenStreetMap Contributors, licensed under Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL). Royal Mail Postbox data © Royal Mail, All Rights Reserved.