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Rights of Way in Fakenham Magna Parish (West Suffolk, Suffolk)

This page shows a map and table of the Public Rights of Way (Public Footpaths, Bridleways, Restricted Byways, and Byways Open to All Traffic) in the parish/area of Fakenham Magna, in the district of West Suffolk, in the county of Suffolk. Data from the Surveying Authority (Suffolk County Council) is compared with the data in OpenStreetMap. (more information)

Key to Lines

Rights of Way

Public Footpath
Public Bridleway
Restricted Byway
Byway Open to All Traffic

Other Highways

Adopted Footway
Public Cycleway
Unclassified Highway


Parish Boundary

Basemap Lines

See: OSM Carto

OSM Map | Definitive Statement | PRoW GIS Data (GeoJSON) | OSM Highways (GeoJSON)

1 FP 503 515 +2.4% 4 10y   MZ OT
2 FP 1058 1069 +1.0% 4 8y   MZ OT
3 FP 444 455 +2.5% 4 6y   MZ OT O Path on ground doesn't quite follow Definitive Line from GIS data, but is always close.
4 FP 431 439 +1.9% 4 6y   MZ OT D O Definitive line uses a ford at TL91107601, but a footbridge is provided a few meters away. Statement says path ends at a junction of paths 3, 5 and 6, but actually it's only 3 and 6.
5 FP 733 727 −0.8% 4 6y   MZ OT O Path on ground doesn't quite follow Definitive Line from GIS data, but is always close.
6 FP 369 374 +1.4% 4 6y   MZ OT D O Path on ground doesn't follow Definitive Line from GIS data, but is mostly close. However, there is a Missing bridge at TL90927612, requiring a significant detour on a track round the western and southern edges of the field. Statement says path ends at a junction of paths 3, 4 and 5, but actually it's only 3 and 4.
7 FP 259 278 +7.3% 4 11y   MZ OT
Totals   3797 3857 101.6%              

Table Details: To be counted in the table above, OSM ways need to be tagged with an appropriate designation=* tag (one of public_footpath, public_bridleway, restricted_byway, byway_open_to_all_traffic) and the relevant prow_ref=* tag (in the form 'Fakenham Magna XX 12a', where XX is one of FP, BR, RB, BY; and 12 is the route number, and a is an optional suffix letter). The Mapping Status values in the table are: −1 Route should not exist; 0 Unverified; 1 Un-mapped; 2 Partially mapped; 3 Complete, but with significant deviation from definitive line; 4 Complete; 5 Complete, with adjacent field boundaries and stiles, gates etc. These values are manually maintained, so my not be up to date.

Map Details: On the map, the Yellow (FP), Blue (BR), Magenta (RB) and Red (BY) lines are Rights of Way from official Council data from 2024‑04‑09, licensed under the Open Government Licence (v3) (full copyright details). Rights of Way with mapping status 4 and 5 are shown with thin lines, others are show with thick lines. The Green lines are different Highways from OSM: Dark Green for unclassified Highways, Blue-Green for Public Cycleways, and Yellow-Green for Adopted Footways. Click on any of these lines for more information. The black lines are approximate modern parish boundaries, constructed by simplifying the polygons in OS Boundary Line. The underlying mapping is OSM Carto (key). Click inside another parish for a link to switch to that parish.

Use of data in OSM: The Rights of Way GIS data shown on the map above is suitably licenced to be used in OpenStreetMap. If doing so, please use the source tag suffolk_county_council_prow_gis_data. But please do not map Rights of Way just from this data; it is important that OSM reflects what is on the ground as well. Official Rights of Way are not always usable on the ground, and the paths on the ground do not always follow the Definitive Line. The PRoW GIS data (and Definitive Statements, where available and suitably licenced) should be used primarily to add appropriate PRoW tags to ways that have already been mapped from other sources such as aerial imagery (where paths and tracks can clearly been seen) or ground surveys.

Errors and omissions in PRoW tags

OSM ways found in or near the parish with incomplete or contradictory designation=* or prow_ref=* tags. Further details.

Way ID Issue prow_ref designation LOSM OSM Note Tag OSM Fixme Tag JRC
109209389 Missing prow_ref public_footpath 2 m Not recorded as RoW by Suffolk CC. check again on ground J+
109209390 Missing prow_ref public_footpath 4 m Not recorded as RoW by Suffolk CC. check again on ground J+
109209393 Missing prow_ref public_footpath 3 m Not recorded as RoW by Suffolk CC. check again on ground J+

Errors and omissions in access tags

OSM ways with missing or inconsistent modal access tags are listed below. The classes of Public Rights of Way and Highways included on the map are checked, but Rights of Way with other tagging issues already listed above are excluded. Further details.

No issues found in this parish.

Parish ID: 685. OSM data last refreshed: 2024-04-16 16:13:51 Z.