You are in: Rob's OSM Stuff » UK PRoW » Progress » Suffolk » West Suffolk » Kentford

Rights of Way in Kentford Parish (West Suffolk, Suffolk)

This page shows a map and table of the Public Rights of Way (Public Footpaths, Bridleways, Restricted Byways, and Byways Open to All Traffic) in the parish/area of Kentford, in the district of West Suffolk, in the county of Suffolk. Data from the Surveying Authority (Suffolk County Council) is compared with the data in OpenStreetMap. (more information)

Key to Lines

Rights of Way

Public Footpath
Public Bridleway
Restricted Byway
Byway Open to All Traffic

Other Highways

Adopted Footway
Public Cycleway
Unclassified Highway


Parish Boundary

Basemap Lines

See: OSM Carto

OSM Map | Definitive Statement

No Rights of Way found in this parish.

Errors and omissions in PRoW tags

OSM ways found in or near the parish with incomplete or contradictory designation=* or prow_ref=* tags. Further details.

No issues found in this parish.

Errors and omissions in access tags

OSM ways with missing or inconsistent modal access tags are listed below. The classes of Public Rights of Way and Highways included on the map are checked, but Rights of Way with other tagging issues already listed above are excluded. Further details.

No issues found in this parish.

Parish ID: 789. OSM data last refreshed: 2024-03-28 00:36:01 Z.